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The Language of Love

The language of love can be complicated for even the most intellectual of people.  There is no right answer or specific way to love.  Love is expressed in many different ways.  Depending on the circumstances of your lifestyle it can be very challenging to express love.  Love is one the strongest emotions that we have and it can take you to levels of pleasure you never knew existed or to dark places you want to escape.  Love does make us crazy.

I heard some scientific research that theorized that its no mistake that we fall in love with the person that we are in love with.  Out of all the people on the planet, there is  scientific data that exists and says that the chemicals in your body and your brain reacts to a specific person when you are in love.  I  believe it,  otherwise we would all be falling in and out love every other day.

Just think about a time when you were in a relationship and you just couldn’t understand why you couldn’t make your heart love the person you were with.  There is always that one guy or girl who was just great all the way around but you couldn’t love him or her in that special way.  Well now you can be relieved to know its the science of love.

That’s what makes the process of falling in love so amazing to me.  Love has a language all its own and finding the right fit can be like rocket science.

If you just can’t seem to settle well now you have more of a reason than just being picky.

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